Application Data Object

Application Data

Once data has been imported for an application, a data object can be used in Grant Kits and policy code to refer to imported application data. The object looks like the following:

  "<application-type>": { ... required keys here ... },

Here's an example:

  "github": {"username":"alice"},
  "aws_identitystore": {"id": "1234"}

The user Alice has two pieces of data imported about them. Data for github and aws_identitystore is available.

Referring to Application Data in Grant Kits

You can refer to application data in grant kits in the following way:

{{ .user.<app>.<key> }}

For example:

{{ .user.github.username }}

Refers to the Github username of a user.

Referring to Application Data in Policies

You can refer to application data in grant kits in the following way:


For example:

data.user.github.username == "Alice"

checks whether a Github username matches Alice

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