End User Notifications


Abbey supports notifications via email and Slack.

Email Notifications

Email notifications are on by default; there's no setup required. Abbey will notify the user via the email associated with their Abbey account.

Abbey notifies users via email from notifications@abbey.io on the following events:

EventUser Notified

User Requests Access


Request was Approved


Request was Denied


Grant Expired


Approval is Required


Approval is No Longer Required


Slack Notifications

Abbey supports DM-based notifications via Slack. We'll notify reviewers when an access request requires their approval.


Navigate to Settings -> Notifications

Click on + New Notification to set up the Slack integration. This will take you to another screen with a Add to Slack option.

After clicking "Add to Slack", you'll be directed to an app install page by Slack. Pick a channel - any channel is fine, we only sends DMs to users for notifications.

After this, you should see your Connection configured under the Notifications tab. 🎉

Last updated